Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Although I could bore you with tomes of drama related to Marty Sunshine's layoff and how running an accidental business in Alabama is affected by this, I won't. However, I will give you the highlights.

One highlight was watching the dawn of realization streak across Mr. Partner's face when he started adding up the realities: Business is seriously under capitalized + Marty Sunshine's job going away = HOLY COW! THERE IS NO SAFETY NET IF WE GET HIT WITH ANOTHER SET OF DEADBEATS LIKE WE DID LAST SUMMER.

Mr. Partner catching on was a relief. I didn't have to spell out the possible disaster scenarios to him. I had already gone through these things in my head a dozen times. I didn't want to vocalize them and have Mr. Partner add possible disaster scenarios I hadn't thought of.

The other highlight of our drama was when the company Marty works for offered him a job in Seattle. The one in Washington.

Just so you know, Seattle is MUCH farther from Alabama than Arizona is. Not only would we have the run-of-the mill annoyances that come with moving, we would have the added business related annoyances--like figuring out how to transfer my corporation to another state, changing the PO Box and the fact there are no banks in Seattle that are also located in Birmingham. So, even though Seattle sounds green and a lot cooler in the summer than it is here, it wasn't our first choice.

But, Marty never wavered. He was positive and upbeat. So it wasn't a surprise to him when he got offered another position with his company. This one in Mesa Arizona. We don't have to move. We don't have to uproot our lives. For the next year or so, we are staying put.

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