Monday, March 30, 2009


To say Mrs. Martin was flabbergasted she was served is an understatement.

Because she will only text me, I can't really have a meaningful, insightful conversation with her. Which is fine by me. I don't really have much in the meaningful category to add at this point.

The one major point of her text was that she sent her rent check out on Sunday (insert raised skeptical eye here). If that is the case, Mrs. Martin will get to stay until we go through this maddening game the next time.

What blows me away is from what I can tell, she never expected me to "turn on her." In fact, that is how she phrased it. I am not sure what that means exactly. Was I supposed to sit back and let her take advantage of me? Was I supposed to accept her excuses? In her text, she told me that she "guesses" she will "stay current" until she can find a place to live. What a novel idea!

Except I think the "find a place to live" comment was a veiled threat that she was planning to move out. Darn! No more games with Mrs. Martin. Well, if she leaves the place clean and I find a renter right away, I may not even garnish her wages. If not, all bets are off.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

she "guesses she will stay current until she finds some place to live"? (sorry not an exact quote) She doing you a BIG favor isn't she?? Wow! What a gal! Toss her