Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Tough Love

Monday Marty Sunshine came home from the post office with a check in his hand. However, it was not from Ms. Shirley.

Could we all stop for a moment and gasp in mock-horror that Ms. Shirley didn't send her rent check. Yes, yes, yes... I am just astounded as you are.

Ok, now back to our regularly scheduled blog.

In all fairness to Ms. Shirley, it is possible she sent the rent and I hadn't receieved it on Monday. But, I wasn't taking any chances. I called Red, one of the process servers I use. He offered to deliver my love letter on Tuesday--but knowing that Alabama Time is not in sync with the Roman Calendar, "Tuesday" might mean any particular moment between Tuesday and Independence Day 2067.

The truth is, if Ms. Shirley sent the rent, I won't know until at least Thursday. That is the next day anyone is heading near the post office. So, if Red serves her the money might already be in Arizona. That's fine with me. Serving her might mean she won't be as embarrassed next time to pick up the phone when things go South.

Even if Red and my rent check do cross paths, that's ok. I am under the impression Ms. Shirley seems to think she deserves some sort of special entitlement from me. And, that is getting a bit old. A letter telling her she can pay or leave might give her a better understanding about my true feelings.