Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tapped Out

Why, oh why do All Bad Things Plumbing seem to happen from May through September? It seems to be a yearly phenomena. Potties never seem to break in February.

Thus far, The Marginally Best Plumber in Birmingham, some guy Harold randomly called, Mr. Spring and a random septic guy have all been out to my homes this summer. And, these are only the ones I know about. For all I know, there have been others and the tenants haven't gotten around to saying, "by the way."

And, while I am on this rant, I just got a bill from The Marginally Best Plumber in Birmingham, who charged me $9.15 for a "korky."

I am not sure what a "korky" happens to be. A small, perky cork? And, if so, I have leftover wine bottles with something akin to "korky" that I could have shipped to them. At the rate the plumbing bills are coming in, I will have lots of these things laying around.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

korky? What the hell is that? Maybe the plastic thingie that keep the water from leaving the tank?? But that's looks more like a flat stopper to me. This intrigued me so much that I took the top off my toilet and nosed around a bit. Didn't do much to satisfy me on two levels. First because I didn't see anything even remotely resembling a cork like component and secondly, because it reminded me that I need to clean my toilet. Thanks so much for reminding me.