Saturday, August 28, 2010

Empty Nest

I hate to sound paranoid, but my dear Legal Eagle is MIA. She went on vacation last month. She returned. We talked in early August. But suddenly my e-mails are going unanswered. Her voicemail at her office seems to be broken as well. My voicemails to her cell and texts aren't being returned either.

I have found Mr. Smith and I have no way to celebrate with her. Before one jumps to the conclusion that she is really hiding from me, I would like to point out, that finding Mr. Smith financially benefits her too. So maybe she is hiding, but not for this.

Then, there is this thing I can't write about (yet). I am looking at taking matters into my own hands. I really, really, really want her input before I dig any deeper into it. I never feel comfortable doing anything big, scary and different over there without her or Attorney Jon's blessing. This is definitely one for her--even if it costs me $285 an hour.

I am at the point now where I am more concerned about her safety and welfare as well as that of her firm's. Is she ok? Is her firm a product of Birmingham's crummy economy? All sorts of scenarios have been playing into my head. I have done a quick search in the Birmingham business paper, as well as the Birmingham News looking to see if her name, or the name of her company pops up. Nothing. That's good.

I have done all the sane things one wants to do when looking for someone. I am now toying with the bizarre. For example, a cousin (whom I have never personally met, but have spoken with on the phone on a few occasions and have e-mailed back and forth through the course of the year) of a former tenant is my Facebook friend. This cousin works at Legal Eagle's son's school. I have thought about giving the cousin a message for Legal Eagle. This idea seems to gravitate somewhere between completely tacky and outrageously out-of-line.

I have also looked Legal Eagle up on Facebook. But it appears she has one of those ultra-high privacy settings on. You know, maybe it is time to Friend her when I find her--just so this doesn't happen again. I haven't seen anything from Emily Post discussing if it is highly inappropriate to Friend your legal counsel if they were your lawyer before they were your real friend. Somehow this just seems taboo.

I have tried other social media searches too. She isn't on Linkedin. She isn't on Twitter--at least not using the e-mail address I have for her. My guess, knowing her, is Legal Eagle isn't going near anything that digitally tweets.

Sometimes she reads my blog--but that usually happens when I tell her I wrote about her. I would tell her I wrote about her right now if I could contact her.

I suppose if I am really desperate I could send a letter to her office... That sounds so civilized. I am not desperate yet. Maybe after Labor Day. Right now I am somewhere between a worried furrowed brow and contacting a perfect stranger who might teach Legal Eagle's son. Essentially, I am just blogging.

Last time Legal Eagle changed law firms she found me. She actually assumed she was going to represent me in the future and took my files with her when she moved. She called me about a month later to tell me where she was. I was ok with that. I am guessing if she moved, she will eventually do it again when she settles in.

I know there is some point where I can go to the Alabama BAR Association and look up her information. I might do that if I don't hear from her.

And though I appreciate her legal advice, a million times more than that, I consider her my friend. I really want to make sure she, those important to her, her job and anything else that might be suseptiable to ickiness into her life is protected. I am really just hoping she has gotten busy, all is ok and I am just being extra paranoid.


Unknown said...

The what if worries are the worst, aren't they?

What is the longest she has gone without contacting you? I'd use that as the when to really panic time frame.

Fiona D. said...

I guess I am more concerned there is a problem with the firm and they haven't weathered the economic downturn. The lack of voicemail at her company surprised me.

I try not to contact her unless I really, really need something (in this case, I really, really need two things). She needs to make a living too and every phone call has the potential to be billable. We just tend to interspurse the personal friend-stuff in between my "Hey, I need your legal advice on what to do if the Red Neck Mafia is holding training camps at the home next door to mine," phone calls.

Fiona D. said...

Oh, and generally she calls me back or answers my e-mails/texts pretty quickly. This is very un-Legal Eagle.

Unknown said...

If it were me, I'd be worried then.

But, I'm the sort to fret.

I'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation, and we'll all feel a little silly when we find out what it is.