Tuesday, April 06, 2010

That Whole Burning the Candle At Both Ends Thing Is Getting a Tad Out of Hand

It is no secret I have gone back to working full time. And, yes, I still homeschool. I miss my friends, my free time and my sanity. But thanks to the likes of some bad decisions early on--not to mention Mr. Richards, Wayward and Mr. Smith, we are pretty much out of capital. I am not complaining. I chose these decisions. And, what does not kill me... yada yada.

But a few things are falling through the cracks. Like depositing rents. Last week the bank sweetly told me I bounced four mortgage payments. Not because we didn't have the money, but because it slipped my mind to transfer it to the right account. My bad. (And might I say, Gina at my bank totally rocks! She saved me from having to send Mr. Partner an embarrassing e-mail.)

Last Friday it occurred to me that it was April. Tax season is here. I hadn't heard from Diamond Jim, my totally awesome CPA, in a month. And Mr. Partner has been uncharacteristically quiet about wanting his K-1 statement. So, I completely forgot about it until the other day when Jim called. I have to say, being preoccupied has made the waiting easier.

Unsurprising to anyone, my desk threw up recently. When I cleaned it I found a bill that wasn't due just yet. But I paid it anyway--just to be ahead of the game. And, just because I was afraid I would forget later, I sat down right there and then and sent Bliz a note, telling her it was paid. Early. Efficiency is a bit easier when there is no spare time.

I haven't had a lot of time to deal with Jack selling our home. I checked Craig's list the other day and didn't see it posted, so I went ahead and just did it. Normally I would have called him and asked if I missed it, not to micro-manage, but to make sure I wasn't duplicating his efforts. But this time I figured if I missed the ad, it wouldn't hurt for another ad to run. And if he didn't do it, he would never know I knew.

I certainly don't have room in my life for run-of-the-mill tenant drama at this moment. Which comes in handy when I don't have the energy to feel sorry for anyone who is coming up short on the rent. But it seems the forces of nature have been paying attention. They haven't really granted me any minor tenant drama in a while. And I appreciate my tenants behaving.

Of course, I haven't really been handling the laundry much either...

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