Monday, April 12, 2010

Ego Validation

Two unrelated and yet really cool things happened last week.

Mr. Partner sent me a card. He actually went to the store and spent money on a card for me. The effort alone is touching.

In the card he put a sweet note, thanking me for my role in our accidental business. It is his handwriting.

I am thinking of having this card bronzed.

Additionally, Bliz gave me the profit and loss statement for my S. corp this past week. I made a very, very small profit. My first profit! (insert happy dance here)

I even checked again later. Just in case I read it incorrectly the first 11 times. Diamond Jim tells me he needs to modify the financial statement a bit so it doesn't show any profit. But, whatever! I know the truth. I have witnesses.

I made a PROFIT!

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