Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Diamond Jim

I brought dinner to Diamond Jim Tuesday night. He had been burning the midnight and early morning oil for weeks and figured he wouldn't come up for air. I was right. Just for good measure, I threw in a half a box of Thin Mints to consume at his leisure. Being male, I am sure it will take him six months to eat the cookies.

Sigh... men really don't know how to effectively stress eat. And yet statistically women live longer. Conincidence? I don't think so.

Diamond Jim had two of my LLC tax returns done. My other two will be done before midnight April 15. They always are. With my blessing, my personal returns will be done some time in May--with the appropriate extensions filed.

Someday Diamond Jim is going to retire. He has been trying to do so for years. He sold his business a few years ago to a CPA firm who had such horrible service that his client base sought him out. Diamond Jim told me he got 90 percent of his clients back that same tax season. Last I heard, the CPA firm is still making payments to him for the "business" they bought.

On Friday Jim tells me he is sleeping in. Then on Saturday he is flying to visit his daughter and grandchildren. When he gets back he plans on starting on the taxes of those of us who filed extensions.

No... I am not ready for him to retire.

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