Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tilling the Soil

I am pleased to say, for the first time in 19 months, all of my homes are occupied. This feeling of satisfaction may only last a day or so, as I have someone threatening to move out. And, Marty Sunshine and I have already started placing bets on who is being kicked out next. But, for now--today--there is someone living in every home.

There are still some issues. Someone needs a roof. One of my homes is in a bad need of an exterior paint-job. There are bills to pay. Tenant issues to overcome. Tax season. And, there is my meeting next week with Mr. Partner where I get to give him the latest.

With the number of homes I own in the double-digits, there will always be something to post. So, the fun blog fodder will still be around. I currently have about seven future posts sitting in my draft box waiting to be finished or an appropriate time to post them. But, they don't have the current-event status of some of my former posts.

For me, one of the greatest things about my current lack of business drama is I have a chance to start looking forward at where I want to see my company grow. Because, I really do want to see the seed we planted blossom into the garden we envision.

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