Tuesday, January 06, 2009


For the past several days, I have had an enormous variety of texts and voice mails on my Birmingham phone. They are coming from the same phone number. Some of these texts are coming in very early in the morning, long after I have gone to bed and long before the rest of my family normally wakes up.

All the messages have the same overall gist. Apparently there is a very lonely woman out there who wants to see her man. And, if he would kindly just answer her voice mails/texts (to my phone) she would take really good care of him. Yea, I am paraphrasing here. She explained it in much greater detail.

At first, I texted her back, explaining her error. Nope, this wasn't him. Please stop dialing my number (PLEASE!). Then, when the voice mails hit, I figured my message saying I had a home in Moody for rent might be enough of a clue that her honey wasn't at this number. For whatever reason, she just wasn't buying it.

She finally called on Monday and I got a first-hand opportunity to talk to her. All pretense of a well-mannered Southern woman flew out the door as she demanded: "Why are you answering my boyfriend's phone?" I explained I wasn't. It was my phone and I have had this number for years. "Well. This is the number he gave me!" She replied with indignacy oozing from every syllable.

"I hate to break this to you," I replied. "But, it seems he is just not into you."

It is too bad she hung up right there and then. Because, if she is interested in renting a cute little home in Moody, she is welcome to call back. After all, her communication skills were pretty decent. I understood every word she said. She was articulate. She gave her name and number with every voice mail and continually followed up.

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