Monday, January 05, 2009

Insert Raised Questioning Eyebrow Here

I got a call today from some woman wanting to know where the house in Moody is actually located. With help from Google Earth and Yahoo Yellow Pages, I was able to fake my way through directions.

Her: Is it near the Cracker Barrel?
Me: About a mile north, at the stop light turn right.
Her: How far from the Baptist church?
Me: Which one?

It turns out out this woman was in the process of getting a divorce and looking for her soon-to-be ex husband. The warning bells went off right then and there.

Marty Sunshine wondered if she was looking for the biggest dump of a home to put him in as some sort of retaliation. For me it was even more basic. If this guy is getting a divorce and his soon-to-be ex-wife is having to find a home for him, what can he do for himself?

Ok, I understand some divorces are friendly. But, there comes a point in our single lives where society should expect us to take care of ourselves. A person who can't/won't take the time to find his own place to live is telling me he is either: a) helpless, b) inept, c) great at getting other people to do his chores (ala Tom Sawyer,) d) all of the above.

In any case, my experience tells me this is trouble down the road. If there is a small problem, will he whine until it is fixed? Will he rely on the former tenant/handyman who lives across the street to take care of some minor issue? Will he need monthly reminders to pay his rent?

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