Wednesday, September 17, 2008

There's Two Days He Can't Get Back

One of the houses we have has a loan in my partner's name. This normally isn't a big deal, as my partner just gives the bank permission to talk to me and Bliz the Bookkeeper. However, with this particular loan, my partner somehow didn't want to grant permission for us. I kept the very long, drawn-out e-mail he wrote months ago explaining why this is the case. I am sure this long drawn-out e-mail really made sense to him, but what I read into is was: "I don't wanna, and I am not gonna."

Fair enough. Normally, it has no bearing on my life. I get the mortgage statement, pass it on to Bliz and we are all happy. Except, for whatever reason this mortgage company didn't pay the home owner's insurance. The cancellation notice came to my partner and he sent it immediately to me demanding an explanation.

My partner has many great qualities. However, patience for past due bills isn't one of them. I can relate. It isn't one of my strongest traits either. Because this was news to all of us that the insurance wasn't paid, there was some digging to do. Fortunately for me it was digging he had to do.

On Monday, I e-mailed my partner, telling him I needed his help. I put my note on the carefully saved e-mail he had sent months ago. And, I explained how I appreciated his right to privacy and his hesitancy to allow anyone access to this account. Therefore, would he kindly call the mortgage company to see what was going on?

If you really want the subtext it was: Hey Partner! I need you to spend half your day on the phone, being transferred to people who have no clue to ask you stupid questions. They will then tell you to dial another number, allow you to talk to someone with negative IQ points. That person will put you on hold for an hour. Then, they will finally get back to you and make you start the entire process over again.

Today my partner called to tell me he spent two days rectifying the mortgage company's mistake. And yes, it was the mortgage company’s fault (explanation: they “forgot” to pay the insurance). During his call today, Partner complained at the amount of time it took to rectify this. "You wouldn't believe how much time I wasted on this," he said with a tremendous amount of justifiable irritation.

Yes. I would. Multiply it by a lot more houses and you have a day in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
