Friday, September 05, 2008

He Woke Me Up For This?

Today's frustration is brought to you by Alpha Boss. I can't think of a realistic way to describe this guy. Patronizing. Condescending? No, that isn't harsh enough. However, I already used up my daily supply of four-letter words talking to Legal Eagle today.

Alpha-Boss called me at some unholy hour this morning wanting my e-mail address. He didn't want to speak with me. He just wanted to send me photos. What is he afraid of? I am going to come through the phone lines and make his life a living nightmare? Well, I am. But, I didn't know that at the time.

Instead of giving Alpha-Boss my e-mail address, I made him tell me what he would and would not cover. After a lot of hedging, he got to the point, simply stating, "I am giving you the benefit of the doubt."

I would like to go on record right now by stating NOBODY questions my integrity. That is certainly one way to get me riled up. Another way is by not honoring your word. Alpha Boss was batting 500 today.

Alpha-Boss will cover the missing sink. He will cover the holes in the wall. He will cover the missing light fixtures. Apparently the banister is also covered.

He will NOT cover the broken garage door. That apparently is "tenant wear and tear." Huh? Someone backed into the door!

He will not cover the missing flooring. Alpha-Boss actually told me the reason he would not cover the flooring was because the tenant was--and these are his words--"making the home her own." I explained to Alpha-Boss that we have a lease. If she wanted to "make this her own" she could get a mortgage and buy the place. Then she would have the absolute right to "make it her own." But, the purpose of a lease was that she would honor my right to keep it as MY own.

At this point, Alpha-Boss suggested he was giving me the benefit of the doubt again. Yes, he made that snappy comeback twice. Gotta love originality.

I am really uncertain as to why Alpha Boss is being so stingy. After all, it isn't like he is paying this claim out of his pocket. I don't regularly go around putting in claims. I have had properties in terrible condition. But, they did not have structural damage. I just want the damage covered. And, that includes the missing flooring and the garage door.

Because I had nothing better to do, I stupidly asked why this claim has taken so long. Alpha-Boss told me he respectfully disagreed. Well, thank goodness the house didn't catch fire. Would that have also taken a month to determine they weren't going to cover the structure? I explained I have performed in less than 24 hours each time I was asked to do so. Alpha-Boss didn't really have an answer for that. But, I think he was fresh out of giving me the benefit of the doubt comebacks.

I explained that the amount of time this place has sat vacant (because of their inability to determine what damage looks like) makes the house more vulnerable. And, because there have been several burglaries for air conditioners and copper piping in that neighborhood, I am explaining my concern at their delay.

Alpha Boss said, "are you telling me you are planning on putting another claim in?" Well, that is certainly an original way of questioning my ethics.

Lana, Lana's boss and Legal Eagle are working on this now. But, because I am not done here. The Alabama Board of Insurance is going to get involved. If I have to call Alpha-Boss' boss, that will happen too.

But for now, all I can do is fume and write about this stupidity.

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