Friday, September 12, 2008

First Things First

I woke up this morning and had this overwhelming urge to say a prayer for Mr. Smith and his family. You see, it must be very stressful to be Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They have lost their home. They have a huge financial burden they cannot easily overcome and they have to swim in own stupidity.

Truthfully, the kids are the ones I really feel for. They are victims of their parents poor choices. They are too young to understand the stresses going on with thier mother and father loosing their home. But, it is now part of their young lives. This isn't a burden I wish for any child.

Coincidentally, Mr. Smith sent me an e-mail today. The last one was from early August and said something very flattering. This one was long-winded, but essentially just said they would be out "by the first." There was a ton of drama with it too. Somehow the hurricane season was to blame for them needing the extra time to move out. I don't know if his e-mail meant he would be leaving October 1, 2008, the first August it snows Phoenix or the first of the next millennium. I don't really care. I am not taking a dip in the Mr. Smith stupid pool, by writing him back, to find out either.

Unbeknownst to Mr. Smith, I sent Legal Eagle a note yesterday asking if our legal wait time was up and we could proceed with the eviction process. Our 30 day time window ends Monday, Sept. 15. (Note: if you have been following this, you might wonder why this wasn't taken care of Aug. 1. It is because nothing happens according to the Roman calendar in the South--which you also know if you have been following this.).

I am looking forward to Monday. It will be the beginning of the end. If the courts don't screw up and Mr. Smith is really motivated to leave, perhaps this will all be wrapped up by October 1. Even if that wasn't really his intention in the first place.

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