Monday, September 01, 2008

Take a Number

Mr. Smith and his nasty little ways really got to me this weekend. I have no idea what he is doing to my home. So, I let my imagination run wild, thinking the worst. Looking back, I have to wonder why I wasted my time thinking about him. What can I do if he has ripped a hole in the wall? Fix it. It isn't like I haven't done that before.

One of my biggest concerns about Mr. Smith's home is that it will be more of a challenge to rent out. I am fully aware it is one of the reasons Mr. Smith got breaks. I know finding another renter for this home might be a challenge. Of course, that is the fear talking.

I was fretting to my husband about this when he let out a belly laugh. "You always have people lining up to rent from you."

"I do?"

"How many people want Wayward's former home?" He asked.

He is right. I have two applications on it. Both haven't stepped foot in the interior and know they won't be able to until the place is fixed up. Both have driven by, seen a jungle of a yard and a broken garage door. If they have looked in the windows, they have seen a missing kitchen sink. And yet, they want the house.

Right after my husband mentioned this, I checked my e-mail. In there was a note from some perfect stranger, who heard about me from someone I have never heard of. Did I have any vacant homes she could rent? She needs to move right away. I do have one available. And, there is Mr. Smith's home if "right away" means in the next month or two. Mr. Smith's home is in a very good school district. And, she can always toss her hat into the ring for Wayward's.

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