Monday, January 03, 2011

Random Bama

The filing is done. So far. I haven't filed the tons of papers Bliz is promising to send my way.

Now on to my least-favorite activity: getting ready for taxes.

Marty and I own a corporation. We are required to have an annual meeting. We usually do this in December when he is off of work. I asked him the other day what he wanted to do for our annual meeting. He replied, "Wasn't filing enough?"

We settled for hanging out a Starbucks and rehashing everything we had already discussed throughout the year.

One of the tenants Kirby manages was in a debilitating car accident. So, December's rent didn't come in on time. I am told rent is on its way--but I haven't seen it yet.

There is a fine line between feeling bad for someone's situation and making sure my situation doesn't take a turn for the worse because of their misfortune. If I have to kick them out I will. But, I will feel like a jerk doing it.

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