Thursday, July 22, 2010

Random Bama

Harold's lady friend called Monday. She overnighted the check to me. I hate it when tenants overnight checks to me. In this case, it meant Marty Sunshine stood in line at the post office forever to pick up the check. I feel for him.

Ms. Harold mentioned again that the account was "only" seven dollars overdrafted and started another round of "can you believe it?" This time she ended with her seven dollars cost her another $35 for the overnight fees. Last I checked, it was only $16 to send something overnight from Alabama. Perhaps her math skills have something to do with the reason she was off seven dollars to begin with.

With regard to Ms. Harold asking if I was planning on tattling to Jack, Carolsue told me on Monday that she was pretty sure she (Carolsue) could stand down Jack if he was mad.

She wasn't sure if she could handle me though.

Artie and Candy have been gone for four days and I am already feeling desperate. I wrote Kirby a note telling him he could offer a potentially sane prospective tenant a "move-in" special. Then I realized I should wait until he finds the potentially sane prospective tenant before we head that direction and quickly erased the e-mail.

Mr. 114 is heading out there to take care of a few odds and ends in the next week. So, there is no reason to think this place can be rented until then anyway.

And finally, I am sure we all have contemplated this burning question: Just how many Alabamans does it take to wrestle an alligator? As a corollary, just what is the single best use for duct tape?

Here's the answers. The rest of the story is here.

1 comment:

BusyMommy said...

Did I mention that I am terrified of alligators? Can no longer remember any of your post or what I wanted to say. Big, scary alligator.