Thursday, July 08, 2010

The Pizza Pow-Wow

Sitting around at Vitos, in Mesa on Wednesday, Marty, Mr. Partner and I (along with Buckaroo and Polly--who came for the food and because I didn't have a babysitter to watch them), sat down for an impromptu discussion. Essentially, it was a follow up from my e-mail, where I begged for wild amounts of money in exchange for his cooperation.

And, I got it.

All of it.

Mr. Partner did lament this was the third year we have shot an influx of cash into our business account. I happily pointed out, he was correct. However, this was the first year we shot an influx of cash and it was going to better the company, not buy an overgrown band-aid for our company and a vat of wine for me.

And, while I had his attention, I also hit him up with a few other tidbits, like property taxes would be again due in December. And, I wasn't promising we wouldn't have to write a check out of pocket one more time. And, while I was shoveling out the reality, this is a two-year plan and I am only in phase 1. So, it would be best for Mr. Partner not to get too comfortable. We will be doing this again. This is only to fix our poor planning from years earlier.

Mr. Partner agreed to everything without conditions. Although, I think he will draw the line if the house we are selling doesn't appraise for anywhere near what we are asking for it. But, I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

I'm on a high at this moment. The best part is I am not writing about evicting or trashed homes. I am writing about growing and moving forward. We may be along way from our undercapitalized issues being resolved. But we are building momentum.

It can happen.

1 comment:

Lori said...

yay! congrats! :D