Tuesday, November 17, 2009

At This Rate, I Could Drive Over and Do It Myself

Stop me if you have heard this before: EVERYTHING MOVES SLOWER IN THE SOUTH.

You would think--even if nobody is making this window any more, which apparently nobody is--it would be a simple process of making a frame, cutting some glass and slapping the finished product on to the house in Leeds. For whatever reason, this is not the case. How long would you think it would take to get a window replaced? A week? Two weeks? Nope. 45 days.

Of course this handy-dandy notice comes via Carolsue whose window guy turned out to be better than my two window guys. He actually gave Carolsue a quote. I am still waiting for the first company to call me when they arrive at the property and I am waiting for the second company to call me with a quote.


Ernie said...

You absolutely MUST take some courses in Southern speak. Truly

Fiona D. said...

When one leaves a message saying WITH A HEAVY SOUTHERN DRAWL, "four to five days" it sounds JUST LIKE "forty-five" days for the rest of us who speak normal English.

Apparently the window will be installed in four to five days. But, in the South, that probably does mean forty-five days.