Friday, March 31, 2017

Happy Ending

Today started out tough. Not from the old accidental business. I certainly don't long for the 6 a.m. phone calls with lame excuses as to why rent will be late. Today started out tough because of a myriad of reasons that have to do with the emotional trauma related to closing an accidental business and the subsequent aftermath to every aspect of my life.

In case nobody told you, the five stages of grief aren't linear. Anger and pity come and go. Sometimes they rent space in my head and stay for a few days weeks. They remind me of what a failure I am and other things that I know are simply not true (partially because you three readers tell me on a regular basis). Hindsight truly is 20/20. In the event I forget this a week from now, I did everything I could. My conscience is clear--though that is not how I feel right now.

My day did get significantly better when I followed up with Mr. Waterford. He is currently a guest in my home. I wanted to make sure the errant property management company sent him his security deposit back. This should have been done six weeks ago, but I guess the property management company wasn't ready to let go of me or a few hundred dollars.

Mr. Waterford told me he did get his money back. I told him to make himself comfortable. He replied, "Why are you doing this?" He didn't mean let the house go. He meant, why was I letting him stay.

I am letting him stay rent-free because I want some good to come out of this mess. If it can't be good for me, I would like it to be good for others. He isn't my only guest right now. Maybe, if this is the only good that can come from this, it will be enough for those who might need a hand up, but not a hand out.

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