Friday, March 10, 2017

A Small Moment

I closed my business bank accounts this week. The very same accounts I opened years ago, when the great unknown reigned supreme. I chose the bank I did because they had branches in Birmingham and their fees weren't as crazy as some of the bigger banks I had found. At one point, I became friends with Gina and I even helped her with some real estate stuff along the way.

Gina isn't at that branch any more, though we still keep in touch. Shawna, Tanner and Gabriel are there now. When I went in this week, Gabriel helped me close everything out. He gave me a whopping $5.11 that was the sum total of one of our accounts. When I went to leave, Shawna came from the drive-through to the lobby  to say good-bye. She said to come back when we were ready. Gabriel stuck out his hand to me and I shook it. Then, he gave me a big smile and squeezed my hand. He told me not to be a stranger.

There are small moments, like this, which seem silly in the grand scheme of closing an accidental business. But in some ways they are as profound as the bigger, grander events that define the end of our company's life.

I am chronicling this today because some day, when I am ready to look at this blog again, I want to remember the small moments too. They count.

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