Thursday, March 02, 2017


Today's cheerful post is brought to you by Joe the cryptic stalker.

You see, Joe has tried a new approach. Not only did he approach me on Linkedin, but he found Kirby. Apparently the two of them know each other--which doesn't surprise me in Alabama. That state is like the biggest small town on the planet. Anyway, as part of Joe's stalking techniques, he found out that Kirby had represented me in a (failed) real estate transaction sometime in the past. So Joe reached out and asked if Kirby would give me a shout.

Kirby did. I told him if Joe had anything substantial to tell me he should do it and stop leaving these weird half-messages because nobody in their right mind would respond to that. I also told Kirby from the way he is presenting things Joe is looking for me to sign over my one year right of redemption. And if Kirby thought otherwise, would he kindly shed some light, because I could be wrong and Joe doesn't seem to be going away.

And here's the cheerful-happy part. Kirby agreed with me. He said Joe is ok, but he hangs out with an "a-hole investor" (direct quote from Kirby the true Southern gentleman) and I am probably right and if it were up to Kirby, he would just ignore the guy.


Ernie said...

This is my much money is Joe willing to give you if you sign over your redemption rights?.....might be worth a listen. Cash is always good.

Fiona D. said...

He is vague. He is leaving me weird half-messages suggesting we need to talk. If in one of his voice mails, e-mails or smoke signals he actually said, "I want to discuss with you having you sign over your rights of redemption..." I would have a base to start with. But "Call me please, we have to discuss something about the house in Moody..." is not enticing.