Monday, November 01, 2010

The Ugly Side

Legal Eagle has made it very clear I amuse her. That's nice. Hopefully that gives me a discount on billable hours.

Or not.

I apparently don't amuse her too much, because last Friday I called her with a conundrum, hoping to hear back and haven't just yet.

You see, I have a bit of a situation. And, before we go any further, Gentle Reader, let's just get this out in the open: this isn't a politically correct blog. So, if you are a bit sensitive, you may not want to read any further. I am not a bigot. I am not stereotyping. I am telling the truth--and the truth today is pretty darn ugly. So, please feel free to call the Political Correct Police and report me. I don't care.

I have a home next door to what my tenant refers to as a "ghetto rat" and a "crack whore." Apparently Thelma is having some issues with Ghetto Rat Daphene. Daphene it seems has allowed her adult daughter and her daughter's two gang-member friends to move in and take over her home. What was a quiet home and quiet neighbors is turning into a very suspicious situation, with unsavory people coming in and out at all hours of the day and night.

Additionally, the gang member friends have been breeding pit bulls in Daphene's yard. But, they aren't doing much else to the pit bulls. They chain them in the front yard--or the back--depending upon their mood. They forget to feed and water the dogs. They also hurt the dogs and encourage the dogs to be aggressive to Thelma and Thelma's animals. In exchange, the dogs bark and whine until they are hoarse. And, they do it at all hours of the day and night.

When this started, Thelma politely asked the gang members (Thing 1 and Thing 2) to please take care of the dogs. She also suggested to them some time in the past she didn't appreciate them stealing from her cable box. Thing 1 growled at Thelma something along the lines of "try to create trouble and see what happens."

Undeterred, Thelma called Daphene's landlord and explained the situation. There are thugs next door. There are several dogs next door who do not shut up. The dogs are being treated cruelly. The grass is five feet high. There are rats in the grass. There are health and safety issues related to this entire situation.

The circumstances have escalated to an unreasonable point. The landlord has been out a few times. The police have been called and are now driving by on an hourly basis. However, at one unfathomable point early on, a police officer actually stood on Daphne's door and pointed towards Thelma's home--indicating it was Thelma who called them out. Because of that, the East Precinct, narcotics division and the sheriff's office are now stepping up patrols.

But, that isn't quieting the situation any. Daphene has been walking around the street, talking with neighbors, pulling high school girl games. But the message is clear: she is furious at Thelma for calling the landlord and the police and (according to Daphene), Thelma is going to get it. I don't know if that means her tires slashed or my home firebombed. I hope neither.

Thelma has taken this threat pretty seriously. And, so have I. Everyone with any power has been put on notice. In fact, Daphene is in the Section 8 housing program, and her case worker has been made aware. They are supposed to drop in and say hello this week. That isn't going to make Daphene any happier I suppose.

But evicting Daphene takes some time. Having her or Thing 1 and Thing 2 arrested for drugs takes evidence. It doesn't really help the immediate situation. Thelma doesn't really have the compunction to call the police every time they look cross-eyed at her. Instead, she stays in. And, she keeps her pets inside.

Why I want to talk to Legal Eagle? Well, I am willing to pay for Legal Eagle to write a letter to Daphene's landlord, explaining if anything happens to Thelma or my home, his ass is mine. I want him on notice.

If Thelma is willing to fight to take back her neighborhood, so am I.


Unknown said...

To the trenches! I'm happy to see people willing to fight for their neighborhoods rather than fleeing.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the only people who fight for their neighborhoods are the ones who can't afford to move.