Tuesday, November 02, 2010

All She Wanted Was the Dogs to Stop Barking

Instead, a very big man showed up on Thelma's doorstep on Sunday. He announced he was with the head detective with the Birmingham PD's domestic violence department. He has been personally assigned to Thelma by the chief of police. His job is to check in on her. He even gave her his personal cell and told Thelma to call if there was any suspicious activity at Daphene's home next door.
Additionally, the detective said there are hourly drive-bys and if Thelma needs anything, she is to turn on her porch light if she can't dial 911. This will alert the powers that be Thelma needs helps. Like a Batlight. Only more subtle.

Thelma is a bit concerned that if no other activity happens at Daphene's she will look like a clown. I would prefer her looking like a clown to any other alternative. They also want to make a bust, so could Thelma please tell them when there is something to report--like the dogs or other activity. As if Thelma wasn't doing that in the first place!

In her e-mail to me, Thelma said she is a bit overwhelmed. I can only imagine. I am way over here and I feel helpless. This must be maddening for her.

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