Thursday, November 25, 2010


We start our family prayer every night by saying what one thing we are grateful for. Buckaroo is often grateful for playing his DS. Polly is generally grateful she got to play with friends. It is the simple things that make them happy. I am grateful for that.

I am also grateful for bigger things. The last two years we have been as much a victim of the economy as everyone else. We weren't prepared for things to go downhill. And, even if we were, we certainly weren't as prepared as we would have needed to be.

But we have survived. And--I am knocking on wood here--if the worst is over, or if this is as bad as it gets, I think my accidental business will stay in tact. It is going to change, evolve. I have some changes on the horizon that will be happening one way or another. Change isn't always bad. Except when "change" involves a trashed home.

My list of gratitude this Thanksgiving is longer and more personal than I wish to get into in this simple blog. But I can tell you this. I am grateful to have had this adventure. This journey may not last forever, but in the end I hope to look back and know I did my best and acted in a way that my children can benefit from. I am grateful I have my blog. And, I am also very grateful I have a few readers who follow along on my adventures.

Thank you all.


CarolSue said...

We readers are grateful for you and your blog as well. A very happy and joyous Thanksgiving to you and the family!!

Lori said...

happy thanksgiving, friend. :)


Anonymous said...

I am grateful for my friend in many ways! You helped me form my business five years ago (even named it!) and I would not have moved into this phase of my life without you either! We have been through a lot in our 25-ish years we have known each other. You have taught me a lot. My name is so appropriate since the Blizzard is also 25 years old! I love you dearly!
