Mrs. Sherwood went to full extremes to make sure last weekend was just ducky for me. That's because she waited until 5 p.m. Monday to call me to tell me:
1. Her 47+ year old stove caught fire on Sunday.
2. She looked on Craig's List and couldn't find anything decent and you-would-think-someone-selling-a-stove-on-Craig's-List-would-take-the-time-to-clean-it, wouldn't you?
3. She spent Monday shopping around and found a new one for a reasonable price.
I luv Mrs. Sherwood. Have I ever mentioned that?
And, if we could just take a moment here: some landlords are afraid of the cliche'd "the toilet overflowed at 2 a.m." phone call. I have to tell you, I would prefer it to any form of phone call involving flames. This wasn't my first (or my second) fire call.
Even as I processed Mrs. Sherwood's news, I realized I was horror-stuck with a terrible dilemma. Once we established nobody or other item in the home was injured, I pointed out to her, "You told me if you ever asked for a stove, I was to remind you that you didn't want one and then you instructed me to refuse to buy one. And, you also told me that if I ever did buy you you a stove, you would move out. "
Thankfully, Mrs. Sherwood did agree she had made such assertions before. But, that was before the 47+ year old stove caught fire. And, as much as she hated to cook, she really did need at a burner or two in order to get by.
I also addressed the issue of delivery. You see, I don't feel like being groped by a TSA agent, two days before Thanksgiving just because the delivery charges will exceed the cost of the federal debt. (and by the way, here's a tip for anyone who has had skin cancer, courtesy of my dermatologist last week: it is NOT safe for skin cancer patients to through the airport scanners.). Mrs. Sherwood didn't blink twice. She assured me she would find a truck and get her stove delivered. But, if I did want to come on over to see the new stove, she would be happy to cook me a meal.
She then told me she has no plans on moving. Especially now that she has a new burner or two.
I'd just spent last night following link after link on the TSA, and I caught the one about increased risk to skin cancer with regards to the new machines. I then worried about you a bit, glad you have the info to opt out - unfortunately that means you'll get to add to the stories about the groping.
I loved those big old stoves! The burners were spaced far enough apart that you could use a big pot AND a skillet at the same time without them touching each other, they had ample storage and the ovens were large enough to cook a couple of turkeys. Try to get one of these new stoves to last 30 years and see where that gets you. LOL
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