Sunday, January 31, 2010

Today's Gripefest

For whatever reason, a bunch of minor non-issues (well, mostly minor) really hit home this week.

Ms. Angela wants the repairs that were promised her finished from when she moved in.

Ms. Kathy's antics are bugging me--actually what is bugging me is that she won't talk with me. She will let Carolsue abuse her, but she won't discuss when I can expect the rent with me. I have a few solutions for this. Stay tuned.

Artie and Candy are paying late--but they add late fees. If I were to guess, I would bet Candy is no longer in the picture and Artie is going at it alone. Either way, I am getting rent. Just late.

Ms. Robin made what I considered an obscene request to have her payment date moved. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't a big deal. Fortunately, she was meeting with Attorney Jon at the time, who explained to her that she couldn't live in my home for free. I don't think she fully grasped my point even when Attorney Jon, one of the nicest and diplomatic people I know, translated my "Heck no! Are you out of your %&%$!#%&^% mind!!!!" to "No ma'am."

In any case, I moved Ms. Robin's payment a few extra days, but she didn't get the three weeks she asked for. Maybe if I hadn't been in a foul mood when she called, I would have been more willing to bend. Maybe not.

Even before I knew what was going on with the Sherwoods, Marty Sunshine--who never really thinks I should travel--thought maybe it was time to go to Alabama. It is. It is actually long overdue. I adore Carolsue, Legal Eagle and Jack, but a couple of meals with friends and business acquaintances doesn't really add up to a trip five states away.

And, truth be told, a trip doesn't work into my life right now. Besides all of the regular reasons not to leave (my children and husband, Major League Baseball's spring training and a mild Arizona winter), I have aging parents who need medical attention in the month of February. I have clients who justifiably aren't real understanding when they are about to spend lots of money and their agent high-tails it out of town for a week.

If I had to break it down, I would say, I am just mad at myself for poor decisions I have made throughout the ages that have created all of these minor situations. However, I find when I let minor issues fester they turn into major issues. I am not in the mood for those either.


Lori said...


i like to ignore that minor-to-major connection...

Annabelle Baxter said...

I enjoy your posts immensely but why did you choose Alabama?

Unknown said...

It's probably more that Alabama chose her. ;-)