Friday, January 22, 2010

Oh, The Irony

So, Ms. Kathy blew us off. Shall I wait for all of you to come to your collective senses after you have gasped in horror? I didn't think so.

Carolsue called her last week and left a message. And, then another one. And another one. Finally I texted her, leaving a perky little note, just telling her I needed to budget and to let me know when I could expect the rent. I didn't tell her I was budgeting Red to post a happy notice on her door, but she would have figured that out sooner or later.

At that point, I did tell Carolsue not to call any more. I didn't want there to be an issue about harassment. Carolsue did use her awesome paralegal talents to find out what my options were. I could wait and have her served (my favorite) or just assume she had abandoned the property on the 29th and go over and take possession. Of course, this meant she would have to have moved out. But, I figured she didn't.

I also started looking at flights to Birmingham. Because if she did take off in the middle of the night, I wanted to get there as soon as possible and secure the house.

Finally, Ms. Kathy called Carolsue saying she had been sick with pneumonia. Carolsue didn't even fake sympathy noises, but got the basics of when money would be coming.

When I heard, I started composing a note to Ms. Kathy just telling her something along the lines of "Golly gee, if you would just send me an e-mail or text, it would keep the lines of communication open. And, that would promote trust and credibility."

I got to "Ms. Kathy," when I decided to just call it quits. I think it is safe to say all trust and credibility are already out the window.

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