Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Wonder if Legal Eagle has a Chart

Might you remember Facebook Debbie?

For those of you new to Sage Business Central, Facebook Debbie had a leak in the master bathroom, causing a certain degree of unsettling sewage to back into the bathroom and then the bedroom. The landlord took his sweet time in getting it fixed--a whole two hours.

Facebook Debbie and her family were inconvenienced beyond belief. I know this because she had several postings in a 36 hour timeframe talking about how annoying the entire ordeal happened to be. I would like to point out if this was their own home they still would have been inconvenienced beyond belief, but they would have had no one to whine about. Anyway, after three days of working to get this restored, the landlord let Facebook Debbie out of her lease. He probably waved good-bye and quickly replaced the locks before she could change her mind. But, I digress...

Facebook Debbie in turn, has bashed the guy every chance she has gotten and is now suing him for I don't know what. She got her deposit back. She mentioned at the time there was no damage done to her personal belongings. If there was damage, I hope she had renter's insurance. It is an unfortunate situation for all parties involved.

I read on Tuesday that Facebook Debbie finally got a court date! She is now going to be able to tell her side of the story about her "money grubbing" (her words) landlord to a judge. And, she was quick to tell us she ran her astrological charts so that she would be fully prepared. She said, "The Moon will be in Gemini that day so I should expect to be very nervous.. prepare for that too. Work on being as calm as possible. 5 planets moving through that area of my chart on that day."

Sadly, she didn't say anything about whether the planets being wherever they might be would help her win the case. Let's hope she can give the judge some evidence that might be a bit more substantial.

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