Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I am Not a Slum Lord

Since I have posted the photos of a few of my rental homes, two people have (very tactfully) mentioned they were surprised these homes aren't as "modest" as they expected. And, I should add, they meant it in the nicest way.

Actually one of my readers said to me on Monday, "I was expecting something like South Phoenix," which isn't a compliment. However, the person who said it has enough credibility with me to say just about anything she wants.

My homes (and the residents therein) span all walks of life. The tenants living in the worst neighborhoods tend to give me the most grief. There are a few exceptions. The home in Leeds is in an older area, but not a scary area. And, the tenants never really really gave me trouble. The neighbors did. The one in Moody is a cute little neighborhood and the former tenant is an abomination.

As a landlord, I don't want scary ghetto homes. Scary ghetto-type homes bring with them scary ghetto-type people.

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