Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree

I have to be careful when I talk to potential renters. I don't want someone getting the impression I am discriminating. So, even when I am speaking to someone who has a very slim chance of renting my home, I would rather they came to that conclusion themselves. If you are married, or have been married, you know how this works.

Yesterday, I got a call from someone interested in the Moody home. However, she refused to identify herself. After about three attempts to get her name, I gave up. I used the old fashioned method of bluntly asking whom I was speaking to (after giving my name). I don't know if she was afraid I would hunt her down once I had something polite to call her, or if she is in the Witness Protection Program, either way, she didn't oblidge.

Even though I knew she wouldn't be living in my home, it took her a few minutes to catch on. Here was the highlight of our call.

Me: Do you have any pets?
Caller: Yes.
Me: What kind of pets do you have?
Caller: I have pets.
Me: Do you have dogs?
Caller: I have pets.
Me: Yes. Do you have dogs?
Caller: I have dogs.
Me: How many?
Caller: How many what?
Me: How many dogs?
Caller: A couple.
Me: Would that be two?
Caller: No, I have a few.
Me: So, three dogs?
Caller: No. I have four.
Me: Do you have any other animals.
Caller: I have a couple cats.

And, it went on in this manner for several more maddening moments.

The caller finally told me she has four dogs, three cats, a ferret, two hamsters, a turtle and a pot-bellied pig. And I didn't need to tell her I wasn't interested in that many animals in my home. She didn't want to rent from me by the time the call was done. The pet deposit scared her away.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

Jumpin Jeehosevat!! This "lady" needs to live on a farm! WOW! On the flip side, if you could actually get her to pay a deposit PER pet, you wouldn't even have to charge her rent - you'd make enough on the pets alone to make a profit. $50 a month extra per pet times the number of pets (that she admits to) equals....hang on, let me take off my shoes...