Thursday, October 09, 2008


Alpha-Boss might have a soul.

Recently, Carolsue discovered more damage at Wayward's home. To put it mildly, it is a lulu. And, if you are going to have a lulu of a challenge in a rental home, don't have this particular challenge in Arizona or California. So far, thanks to Legal Eagle's research, it appears Alabama is the state for this one. But, I don't wish this lulu on anyone.

I also learned a valuable lesson. If you are a landlord and you get a lulu of a problem on a Sunday afternoon. Call your attorney right then and there. Don't let them find out Monday while they are listening to the morning news during their commute. Secondhand lulu hearsay is not appreciated.

My latest challenge required me to bring back all of the players to Wayward's home. Lana, graciously told me she contacted Alpha Boss. During one of our first early e-mails, I wrote her and cc'd half the people in charge saying, "I do not want any hassle from Alpha Boss or Alpha Adjuster over this."

So far, I am not getting it. It is as if Alpha Boss recognized perhaps he and his three adjusters missed a big lulu the first time and are doing what they can to remedy the situation. Alpha Boss, Alpha Adjuster (the one who normally doesn't work any day but Tuesday) and some other related folks personally went out to the home Monday morning, looking at what they obviously missed.

During my three ultra-professional conversations with Alpha Boss this week, he has not uttered, "I am giving you the benefit of the doubt." Instead, he has his checkbook out and keeps asking if there is anything else I need. Alpha Boss has been completely swell. I am getting prompt service, quick return calls and lots of immediate action. He even uttered, "bless your heart." Right now, my heart needs all the blessings it can get.

Until my lulu challenge is resolved, no other work can be done at the house. I am not able to finish having the repairs made. I have cancelled the carpet guy, the plumber and a few other folks. I am twiddling my thumbs, making up benign excuses to potential tenants to explain why the home isn't ready. My latest brilliantly understated bit of prose: "There's a bit more work to be done."

Alpha Boss is covering my rent for October. So far, no potential tenant is deterred by the delay.

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