Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Does Hallmark Have an "I'm Sorry About Your Loss, Now Pay Up" Greeting Card?

Remember Mr. D. the collections attorney helping me out? Two months ago he dropped me, saying he couldn't find the Good Pastor or the woman I sent his way for collection.

It was a pleasant break-up. After all, I wasn't out anything other than a few phone calls and more opportunities to boss around this seriously nice man. We left everything on good terms, with Mr. D., promising to look into this again if anything came up. "Anything" being if I could find these folks myself.

Today I came across an interesting piece in the Birmingham News. The woman I was looking for--and owes me enough back rent to make this worthwhile--has an ex-husband who owns several businesses in Alabama and Florida. He died recently. She has minor children with him. With any luck, there will be a public record with her address soon if not already. Perhaps Mr. D. can revisit his search!

I happen to like this woman. I was sorry to see her go. During a happier time in her and my relationship, she would call once in a while to say hello. It was always fun to talk with her. We had a lot in common and I would say she was my first tenant-friend. During my quarterly Birmingham pilgramages, I would make a point to call her and tell her I was in town. We would visit for hours, like old friends.

Of course, this is why she owes me back rent. Quick tip: don't become friendly with tenants. I am not bitter about how things ended. She left without putting me through a legal mess. I don't let my personal fondness for her get in the way of the business relationship. She owes and I want my money.

I contemplated sending her an e-mail or a card (to her old address of course) offering my condolences to her and her children. But, I suppose under the circumstances it would be tacky. Because, once I knew how to get in touch with her, so would Mr. D. Then, I would be able to garnish her wages. So, even though I really do feel for her, I won't take advantage of the situation. Besides, she is probably too savvy to acknowledge me. After all, she knows she owes me money too.

I wonder how Emily Post would handle this?

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