Thursday, June 07, 2012

I Did It

There has been a shift in universe.

For once, Ms. Kathy actually gave me a sob story when I wasn't in the middle of dealing with six other tenants moving, the holidays, me refinancing my home and needing a good-standing lease in place or other drama that caused me to focus my energies elsewhere.

In fact, to her credit, she actually e-mailed me three days after rent was due. This was an awesome change from the months in the past where I would have to hunt her down to hear her sob stories (and shock of shock to Ms. Kathy, I already knew the rent promised wasn't showing up), let her make amends and promise to deliver.

This month's sob story was complete with a subtext that said: "Paying rent is not a priority." Her e-mail was of the friendly sort, disguising a an epic drama about how she had other bills due and her daughter is knocked up and Ms. Kathy is having to pay her bills too. All this was leading up to the anti-climatic point: could she send $50 a week for the next few weeks and then pay me a bit more next month? Of course, she quickly bypassed the part where she didn't have this month's rent. But, I figured it out.

Ms. Kathy's e-mail ended with this bit of brilliance, " I love living where I do. I really don't want to move..." 

I wrote her back something equally as friendly, suggesting our relationship just wasn't a win-win at this point. And, perhaps it was time to find a place to live that wasn't as financially cumbersome as where she is now. Therefore let's plan on handing over keys on July 6, shall we? I also mentioned I was coming to town and wanted to do a walk through while I am there. So, let me know what day was going to work for her. And by the way, no hard feelings. Okay?


Anonymous said...

"rent's not a priority"? Wow. I can't believe she put that out in the universe. wow.

Lori said...

bless her heart ;o)