Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fried Chicken, Her Granny's Southern Baked Beans, Banana Cream Pie and Something with Bourbon

Carolsue is feeding me dinner tonight. Apparently she has been slaving over a hot stove for two weeks. I am getting a six-course Southern meal. Which is very useful because my flight is timed so that I don't get lunch.

When Carolsue sent me the menu last week, she wrote the following: "Here's the menu. What aren't you allergic to?" Of course, the answer was I am allergic to just about everything. But no matter. Dinner with Carolsue will be a good way to start my Birmingham trip. I hope to be a good guest and not go into anaphylaxis.

1 comment:

CarolSue said...

It was just so good to see you in person!! It's been far too long! Loved having you and sorry my cooking made you sick!