Friday, February 26, 2010

And Justice for All

It seems that Facebook Debbie got her day in court a while ago. You can read about Facebook Debbie here and here if you are so inclined.

Though she didn't exactly say what the outcome of her court date was, she did write about how she was still fuming over her "sleazy" landlord. She mentioned the judge's eyes were "clouded" and he was "influenced by the wealth of the landlord." From what I gather, justice was served.

She made a lot of other derogatory comments about how she was ripped off by the landlord and some general comments about those of us who own rental properties only doing it for our self-interest (which I suppose is true) and to make "millions of the backs of others." Incidentally, I would like to see those millions she was talking about.

Her friends had a few other random comments of a similar nature. There was no point in posting myself. I was pretty sure they had no interest in reading a dissenting opinion. Perhaps they can contact me directly if they want to know how much work goes into managing a rental. But I doubt it. After all, I am the rich, money-grubbing, sleazy landlord who is rolling in my millions.


Lori said...

oh, i have heard the "you're in it for the money" thing so many times. people have no idea what it means to be self-employed, to own a small business, and so on, and so on.

when i owned my private school we opted not to be a nonprofit. this opened up quite a can of worms. you can imagine how many times i tried to explain to someone what a nonprofit organization really is and what "nonprofit" in that context really means. as far as they were concerned, we were in it for the money (we, who made zero money) and the nonprofit across town (who made plenty of money) was the soul of generosity.

not many people really understand business or money issues. they approach the subject emotionally.

Unknown said...

Talk about someone with no concept (and zero math skills) and a very negative outlook on reality.

I wouldn't want to trade places with facebook Debbie for all the millions she thinks her landlord has. Lets hear it for "clouded" judges.


Fiona D. said...

And let's put in a big "hurrah" for the Arizona State Landlord-Tenant laws!