Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One for the "You've Got to be Kidding Me" Files

The Alpha-Adjuster's boss called me today. He tells me Alpha doesn't feel there is enough damage to warrant a claim. He--or Alpha--could have mentioned this weeks ago and saved me having to keep this place vacant.

After delving deeper with Alpha-Boss, it turns out the flunky they sent out last week only found a missing sink. Apparently, Flunky is also an adjuster.

And, I agree, a missing sink is less than my deductible. However, Flunky missed a few major things. For example, there is water damage to the kitchen cabinets where the sink was ripped out. There is a permanent stain on the bathroom counter top. The carpeting has been ripped out. The banister for the staircase is missing. The garage door is broken. I could go on and on. And, I did go on and on to Lana, with a carbon copy to Legal Eagle.

Lana, who has a heart of gold, called me immediately. She was going to have Flunky contact me to set up a time with Carolsue to see the property. Carolsue was then going to point out where the soft spot in the master bedroom floor was, as well as all of the other obvious items wrong. You know, like a lack of flooring!

Flunky did call me. His only question after getting Carolsue's number was, "Was it the banister going up the staircase or going down the staircase that was ripped off?"

Last time I checked there was only one staircase and it went both directions. And, the railing was lying on the floor. But, hey! I am not the adjuster.

Legal Eagle wrote me back too. She said, "I love someone else's drama."

So do I.

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