Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Adjusting My Expectations

Well, it is Tuesday. And you know what that means don't you? The adjuster is in the office ignoring my vacant home.

You see, the adjuster did get the quote--from his own contractor. And he decided it was too high. I really couldn't argue. I personally thought the quote was outrageous.

What I really don't understand is why the adjuster doesn't just go over to the house and price it himself. Isn't that what he is paid to do? What does he do with himself the other six days a week anyway?

The adjuster did send some other flunky out there. Or at least I think he did. There was a voice mail for me at 5 a.m. last Friday asking how to get into the house. Apparently this guy didn't see the notes left by the adjuster on how to get into the home. Also, the guy didn't see the note saying I would be in the mountains without cell service Thursday and Friday and to please call my residence if he needed anything. Fortunately, one of my travel companions needed to go into town Friday morning and I was able to retrieve my voice mail.

The only other sensible thing the adjuster did do is get me a liaison to discuss these meaningful questions with. I suspect Lana was called in because I suggested to the adjuster last week that perhaps if he was unavailable there might be someone else in his office, like another adjuster or a supervisor, he might be able to put me in contact with. In all fairness, I did say it in the nicest way. I was looking for a solution, not a fight.

I like Lana. She is perfectly charming, knowledgeable about insurance and landlord related issues, but doesn't have a crystal ball. From what I can tell, her job is primarily to run interference and to keep me from clogging up the adjuster's voicemail with my incessant inquiries.

Me: So, what else does the adjuster need so I can get this house turned around? After all, I can't rent it out until it is fixed. I can't file a police report until I have an amount from the adjuster. The longer it is vacant the more likely it is to get vandalized.

Lana: Bless your heart, this must be so frustrating for you. Let me call the adjuster and find out what I can.

Me: But he only works on Tuesdays. Is there someone else who might be able to answer these questions?

Lana; I am not sure. Let me call the adjuster and ask him.
Me: I really don't want the air conditioner stolen.

Lana: Well, you know you have insurance that will cover that.

My insurance company is one of the largest and most reputable organizations I have found. My agent is professional. I have gotten her involved and she swears by this adjuster. She swears he is laid back (no kidding!). I am not. It isn't a good match. Isn't there one $&!%$&^* type-A work-a-holic adjuster in the Greater Birmingham area?

My agent has called me every week since this has started to make sure I am taken care of and satisfied. She even bravely called today--knowing how I felt last week. She tells me Lana is top notch too. But, in the end we all have to defer to the alpha-adjuster. Because he is the one calling the shots.

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