Sunday, June 28, 2009

Reading Between the Lines

Saturday late afternoon Ms. Betty called me. Her timing is impeccable. Right before she called, I had been toying with searching the obituaries, as I hadn't heard from her in weeks.

It turns out Ms. Betty's air conditioning went out. And, according to her, it was 85 degrees inside her home. And, according to her, she wasn't happy. And, she reminded me she has two young children. I am guessing the subtext was: Fix this. Fix this NOW.

I spoke my best Southern, "Oh bless your heart. You must be so uncomfortable." You may translate to: There isn't a whole lot that can happen until Monday.

However, my next suggestion was for them on Monday morning to call the AC company and tell them to come out there and fix the unit. (That would be Clay's former company, as he is BUSY Monday and can't make it out to Leeds).

I could tell Ms. Betty wasn't satisfied with this answer. But, she didn't say so. She just gave me a begrudgingly "Yes ma'am."

An hour later Mr. Betty called and told me it was hot in his house. He thought it was the air conditioning motor--in case I needed to know that. He also mentioned there were children in the home. You may translate that to: How come you haven't caught the first plane to Birmingham and are taking care of this at this very moment?

Because Mr. Betty is pretty handy, I asked him if he was able to legitimately find an air conditioning motor at that time of day. Or, if there might be a company open on Sunday that might be able to sell an air conditioning motor? If so, would he be willing to take care of this? For the sake of his children?

Nope. He didn't know of one.

"I think the best course of action would be to wait until Monday then, and have Ms. Betty call for service. Would that work for you?"

I got another "yes ma'am." But I don't think, in this case, it meant "yes ma'am."


Ernie said...

So, you didn't wave your magic landlord wand and make an AC man magically appear to fix their problem? What kind of landlord are you?? LOL I completely understand their frustration with the heat (you know how I loathe the heat) however, weekends and holidays are "suffer the heat days" if the AC goes out, as any renter knows. They'll get over it.

Fiona D. said...

Let's be realistic. If my AC goes out on a Saturday night, I won't be getting it fixed until Monday either. It isn't just renters who have this fate.

Lori said...

ah, you're bringing back such warm memories of my 4:45-friday-before-memorial-day-weekend broken-air-conditioner call...

Ernie said...

True. However, now we are back to the magic landlord wand aren't we? Everyone knows that landlords can make things happen in a superhuman way. Everyone knows that.

Unknown said...

You just need my husband's super cool gun buddy connections. Of course, that wouldn't help your renters in Alabama.

Locally, however, one of my hubby's gun group buddies once offered to come out on a Saturday night to fix our AC (seeing as it was already dark, we settled on him making it out early Sunday, and he was there by 8am.)

I love my husband's gun group buddies.