Friday, June 26, 2009

Mr. Partner and Me

I had lunch with Mr. Partner on Wednesday. The 508s weren't the only thing on the agenda, but of course, it is what we spent the majority of the time discussing. Mr. Partner wanted to make sure I am ok about everything.

Actually, I am. The house couldn't be worse. I think it is pretty much at its maximum for yuckiness. But, we have insurance. It will get straightened out. Who knows, maybe with the insurance claim we will add a basement, another bathroom, an indoor pool and a second story!

It really helps that we are of one mind about the entire thing. It also helps that we went through the nightmare of last summer. It prepared me for this. Make no mistake! This will be a migraine headache. But it is one property. Six homes at the same time is an aneurysm.

There are people I know who, after hearing about the 508 house, say they will only be a landlord if they are close to the property. Mr. Partner mentioned it wouldn't have been any different if we were next door. We wouldn't have been able to do anything until after the damage was done anyway.

I have been told by folks they will never be landlords because of people like the 508s who trashed the house. My advice is, please don't. It is rather unnerving when this kind of damage happens.

Mr. Partner and I don't have the emotional attachment to the home. This isn't a treasured family estate. It is an investment vehicle (or will be again at some later date). But, we see the potential. Real estate investing is risky. It isn't for everyone.

One of the really great parts about our lunch was talking about what was going right. There was a lot of that. We have many other homes that are currently working out. We have good stuff happening. And, that made the 508 home issue easier to swallow.

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