Thursday, June 04, 2009

Not Lost in the Translation

The Alabama Department of Revenue sent me my yearly "You have not paid up and where the heck is our money?" nasty-gram.

Last year Diamond Jim handled this from May to December, with the Alabama Department of Revenue finally backing down. We were finally told by those nice folks in Montgomery, Oh wow! We found your payment! The check had been cashed. Sorry about that. Our bad.

I just got this year's late notice from the good ADofR folks telling me they didn't get this year's tax check. Which they did. In April. They also cashed on April 30.

I have told them so. I have sent them a copy (front and back) of the cashed check. And, I have sent them a letter where some clerk will probably get my letter and say something along the lines of, "Well bless her heart. She was probably just having a bad day." Which I believe is Southern speak for "What a bitch."

Ok, the letter wasn't nasty. But I did ask if there are some guidelines or procedures I am not aware of to streamline this process to avoid future potential late notices THAT I AM NOT OWED. I certainly hope I made it clear I don't want this to go on until December.


Ernie said...

Your command of the southern language has improved vastly (or vastly improved?) I would say that you are now officially bi-lingual. Congrats! If this gig doesn't pan out maybe you could go to work for the UN as an interpreter. (We do have a seat at the UN don't we? After all, we are about as foreign as it gets to most folks)

Fiona D. said...

You know what is really strange? I can actually tell if someone talking to me has an Alabama accent, a South Carolina accent and a Texas accent. They are disctintly different.