Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Carolsue Gang

Well, Carolsue seems to think there are big-time issues at the 508s. I am not saying I don't believe her. I just can't do much about until I had something concrete to go on--like rent being late.

In fact, Mr. Partner, who has been apprised of Carolsue's theories, and I are of one mind: while we are getting rent, let the rent come in and then deal with everything else eventually. Meanwhile I checked on Monday. Legal Eagle is still recused.

Rent is now late. So, Carolsue is heading over tomorrow to slap a lease termination notice on their door. She is also slapping an inspection notice on their door. An inspection notice says because there are lease violations (in this case tall grass), me or my representatives will inspect the property on Monday, June 8 at 10 a.m.

My representatives are Carolsue and her gang of merry inspectors. She has Baseball Guy, Jon (her nephew) and Andy, the convicted-murderer-turned-lawn-guy. Between the four of them, they should be able to tell me what is going on.


Ernie said...

Consider notice(s) slapped

BusyMommy said...

Should be a fun inspection...