Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stupid Questions

You may have heard that adage: "There are no stupid questions." I disagree.

And let me tell you, screening tenants brings out the stupid questions.

My favorite on Monday was the woman who e-mailed me and said, "How flexible are you on the rent?"

Mind you, she didn't say, "Hi, I have seen your lovely home and have an interest in renting it in a multi-year lease. I am currently gainfully employed, have no unreasonable debt and own a lawnmower." All she wanted to know--without seeing my home--is will I take less for the rent.

Marty Sunshine suggested I was being a teeny tiny bit judgemental about this woman. I say she has already broadcast she is trouble. Loud and clear.

My response back was the rent wasn't negotiable. But it doesn't matter what she thinks at this point. She has already told me more than enough.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I stand by my point of view that there are no stupid questions, just stupid times to ask them. Of course, it works out to your advantage that she's asking them now and exposing her own undesirability...