Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ernie and Julie

So, I have this tenant who is waaaay too comfortable in MY home. She doesn't seem to think paying rent or leaving are options for her. So, for now, she is hanging loose and guarding my copper piping and air conditioner.

And, because of some sort of mishap from the Honorable Judge Somebodyorother, she doesn't have to leave for another few weeks. But, she WILL go. Last week, the news came from my eviction attorney who told me--for $200 an hour-- to "sit tight." And--I swear I am not making this up--"it will happen in due time."

As if I can do much else at this point! But, I can sit tight with my two friends who keep me company in times like this: Earnest and Julio, the makers of some fabulous adult refreshments.

The latest e-mail exchange with my attorney went something like this:

Me: I am afraid to go on e-bay and see my hot water heater and kitchen cabinets being auctioned off.
Her: That would be theft--criminal charges would apply (and then she added the smiley face icon).

I know she means well, but a smiley face icon and the lure of hiring another lawyer to handle a criminal case to go after Wayward isn't really working. After all, Wayward hasn't really cared up until now, has she? At this point, maybe Earnie and Julie can give me some better insight.

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