Saturday, December 12, 2015

Top Tenant Tips for Not Annoying your Landlord

Last week I said I would write this. I promise to stop at five six.

1. Pay on time and pay what you are contractually obligated to pay. When you filled out the application I asked for pay stubs to make sure you can afford the house. You also signed a contract. Ms. Kathy, who used to live in my home in Moody (and now, lives next door to my home in Moody, but that's for another blog) used to tell me--and she meant this as a compliment--"I am so glad I can deal with you and not a company. You understand." What I understood was she was probably spending her rent money on blow, trinkets or (in one case) bail money for her brother.

2. Keep tabs on your family members: I had a tenant in Fultondale who had at least twelve siblings. One died each month and she needed her rent money for their funeral--because funerals just happen to cost $1000 each. Perhaps she was getting a volume discount? We owners are happy to extend a courtesy once in a while when a tenant is short funds for true emergencies (life happens). We aren't willing to do it all the time and we aren't running a homeless shelter.

3. Don't make the neighbors call me: I once had some random person in Alabama hunt me down through the Arizona Department of Real Estate (a former tenant told her what I did for a living) to tattle on her current neighbors, my tenants. I had another neighbor once call me to tell me my tenant's teenage boys were jumping off the roof of my home. Behave like everyone is watching and assume they will call me. I just counted. I have contacts for neighbors for five of my homes--that is not including Moody, where I used to rent to two of the neighbors. If you act up, the neighbors will gladly tell me.

4. Don't loose your broom: When I rent to folks who used to live in an apartment, I generally advise them to think of a few extra costs they will have when they move in to a home: a broom, lawn mower, etc. Dear tenants: now that you own the broom and lawn mower, use it. Often. If you are grown up enough to rent a home, keep it tidy on the inside and out.

5. Sweat the small things: If a door handle is loose, tighten it up. It is probably loose because you pulled too hard. If a towel bar is wobbly, tighten it up and tell your kids to stop hanging on it. Fix the minor stuff that you probably caused anyway and leave the broken hot water heater to me.

When I wrote this, I thought five would sum it up. But I then realized I forgot the one way tenants annoy me the absolute very most. 

6. Just don't do this: If you are going to be late on rent. Don't tell me the day rent is due. If something is broken--and you know about it ahead of time (and I know you do)--don't wait until 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time on a Friday before a long weekend to tell me. Nothing throws goodwill out the window faster than this game. And I have a good memory (ask Bliz) and know how to hold a grudge. You want me to respond right away if you have a problem. Do me the same courtesy.

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