Thursday, December 24, 2015

My Christmas Miracle

Well now, it appears one can teach an old Hat new tricks. Last Christmas Eve, Flunky, the maintenance guy for the property management company I employ, took the liberty to send me dozens of pictures of my destroyed now-former home in Pinson. The pictures told a story that caused a small stroke. One picture I remember too clearly was the garage door, hanging by I-don't-know-what and ultimately defying gravity. Mr. Hat suggested we "address that immediately before someone gets hurt."

But that isn't where I was mentally stuck that particular day. The pictures also told me something bigger and far worse than the thousands of dollars in damage I was staring at. And unfortunately, when pressed, he admitted I had a serious right to be upset. You see, Mr. Hat, in the middle of an eviction, WENT ON THE PROPERTY, which made the eviction process take longer.

Now fast forward 365 days. This Christmas Eve, Mr. Hat sent me a sweet e-mail. He acknowledged that today is the beginning of a holiday time many of us celebrate. He wished me well. He said he was sorry to bother me today. He then asked if my vacant home was rent-ready. I am pleased to say Mr. Hat ended it with a simple, yet polite, closing which suggests to the world he was raised right. I was floored at his professionalism. And I guarantee his mother would have been proud.

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