Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Hat Tricks

So this week I got an e-mail from Flunky the AssHat. He sweetly told me my tenant in Alabaster is having some trouble with her garage door opener. He sent me the work order and asked if I would like him to handle this or if I have a preferred vendor. He has never asked me before if I have a "preferred vendor."Generally, it is "What do you want to do." And the answer of course is: "figure it out yourself--that's why I have hired a property management company in the first place."

When I asked him for the scope of work, because "garage door isn't working properly and tenant changed batteries and can't figure it out," didn't exactly give me enough reassurances this wouldn't be a $10,000 cost to me. Flunky the Hat professionally and promptly returned my e-mail saying he didn't think it would cost much. And, (AND) if I used his qualified handyman it should be a minimal cost. I am paraphrasing here, "minimal" might have a few too many syllables.

At any rate, I gave my blessing and told him to get it fixed. And what do you know! Flunky got back to me. The work was done in less than 24 hours. And, for the first time in Alabama property management history, the cost was under $100.

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