Thursday, October 24, 2013

One Down, Two to Go

Today was the second day in a row I have left my home at 7 a.m. in search of remedying our undercapitalized issues. However today I did not make it home until 7:30 p.m. At one point, I jotted over to my office to check my e-mail. In it was a lovely note from Daisy. She had rented my home if I was willing to take "those folks."

Though I greatly appreciated her e-mail, I had no idea which home or who "those folks" happen to be. When I called her I got a better scope of the situation. It turns out Daisy is sick and shouldn't be at work, let alone writing e-mails to desperate landlords. However, I am glad she did. I like reading the words, "rented."

The house in question happens to be the one in Moody. She told me it was a nice couple with ties to the area. I froze in terror. Two of the last three sets of tenants were also "nice" with ties to the area. I quickly made sure we weren't looking at Mr. Smith moving back in (as a refresher, you may recall the unemployed Mr. Smith lives across the street with his wife, his 49 offspring and his ultra-proud father-in-law--who is supporting his daughter, her children and her dead-beat husband).

I also sweetly inquired if half of the "nice couple" Daisy mentioned happened to include Ms. Kathy, the other deadbeat former tenant whose sister happens to live next door. Before she answered me, she let out a string of Dayquil-induced profanities, indicating this house had a lot of hidden baggage and either she did not need to know this, or perhaps it was best I told her prior to her showing it to the "nice couple."

And then, still not answering my question, she put the phone down and I heard her say, "Hey Kirby, did you know about the house in Moody and the former tenants who live next door and across the street?" I am guessing based on her next litany of cuss words, she found out Kirby did know. At any rate, it doesn't appear the "nice couple" includes Ms. Kathy either. That's a relief.

The couple in question have been approved by me and are moving in this weekend. The home was vacant for less than a month.

For those of you counting, that is one down, and two to go. 

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