Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Weekend Off

James, the Hell's Angel Turned Carpet Installer called me this morning, while I was herding six girl scouts at a local park. Sadly, he speaks Southern, and I speak English and he is very difficult to understand. Couple that with being outside around screeching/giggly preteen girls and you can see why under normal circumstances it might be difficult to follow him.

However, casting those conditions aside, it turns out he was crystal clear. You see, he was installing new flooring at my home on Grayson Valley. Apparently the "flooring" needed to be updated for a number of years. The carpet was threadbare in spots and the bathroom and kitchen floors were rotted, stained and scratched. Too bad Jack never mentioned it when he was managing this house.

Not that I am bitter.

But I am. Still.

But enough about that. The reason James, the Hell's Angel Turned Carpet Installer called me was to tell me I had a water leak in the laundry room. He just wanted me to know. Because I am a "regular." Apparently, it had been leaking for quite some time. Given the house is empty, there is no way I would have known this.

"Were you able to successfully turn off the water?" I asked, holding myself together.

"Do you want the water off?" He replied, completely bypassing the obvious. "What you really need is a plumber."

Though I am not in Birmingham, I was pretty certain the only plumber I could find on Easter weekend would be one with a child in Harvard. And, I simply didn't feel like funding Junior's education. Besides, other than me (and James, who is unable to finish installing my flooring), nobody else is being inconvenienced by this issue.

It took every ounce of self-control not to call Carolsue or Kirby this morning, and ask either of them to go out and assess the damage. My reasoning was that it was their weekend off too. James had assured me it wasn't "bad", but I am not sure what that exactly means. I guess I will find out when I call my plumber on Monday.

On a side note, if you need to reach me, my old e-mail address still works right now. It is just forwarded to my new gmail account. If you know how to import contacts into gmail, please let me know.

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