Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Break-Up

My business has been an extension of me for a long time. And now it is time to let it go. The process is bittersweet, as I find releasing. I see new things on the horizon and I am excited with the possibilities that await. However, the clean-up is killing me. It isn't a clean break, it is a dwindling down with tons of details and I will probably miss a few few.

In the process of winding down my accidental business, I am finding one of the most challenging issues to be changing e-mail address. My e-mail address is my business name. I like my business name. I like my e-mail address. I have had the same e-mail address for 10 years. It isn't just giving up the e-mail address, it is giving up all that is associated with it. It is like breaking up after a long-term relationship and then running into some acquaintance who says, "And how is Bob? I always thought you two were a fabulous couple." And then having to not only explain that Bob is not fabulous but deal with the five stages of grief your acquaintance will go through on your dime.

Under normal circumstances I would just keep the e-mail address, but but 1) I have to pay for it and 2) I can't seem to make the e-mail address work with my cell phone. So, being a real estate agent and not being able to receive e-mail on my phone is counterproductive to fixing our under-capitalized issues.

We live in a day and age where everything we have is attached to our e-mail address. If you don't believe me, try logging into Craigslist, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix or Amazon without one. And, these are the ones I can currently remember. I am sure there are other cyber institutions who want to know. Also, I need to change my real estate marketing to my new e-mail address, including my business cards, Web site and (by law, with penalty of a stiff fine--these people aren't messing around) the Arizona Department of Real Estate.

Speaking of e-mails, one of the annoying quirks I have run into is that Blogger won't link my new e-mail address with this blog. That's going to be interesting. I haven't figured that one out just yet. Perhaps it is a sign?

Eventually, my tenants need to be informed, just so they can e-mail me to tell me rent will be late. Or, in some cases, send me something sentimental that I should forward to 237 of my closest friends in the next five minutes, otherwise Bill Gates won't leave his entire fortune to me when he passes on to his Great Reward.

Diamond Jim is handling the legalities of shutting everything down with the IRS. I also need to close down the bank account. But first I need to tell Mario and Kirby where to forward my automatic rent payments. I also probably need to let people know so that avoid having to tell some random acquaintance Bob wasn't really all that fabulous after all.


CarolSue said...

You have a new email address?? um....I don't have it.....

Fiona D. said...

The old one will be active for a while. I will eventually send out an e-mail--once I figure out how to convert all my contacts to gmail.